Mexican Oyster Guisada
30 April 2011. Alone in the Jesuit community house in Nogales, Arizona, I figured I could experiment on a can of smoked salted oysters cooked ala guisado Philippine style, but with a Mexican twist in honor of the migrants I cook for at the Comedor, the feeding center of the Kino Border Initiative. (For more stories, click here.) And of course, white rice. The Mexicans love Spanish rice so we have a steady supply of it.
I called it Mexican Oyster Guisada, with a note on the last letter: The Mexicans call this type of cooking, guisadA, while we Filipinos call it guisadO. Sharing the recipe. This is just good for one or two persons. A soda will go well with this. I got a Diet 7-Up. And ate with the music from the Jesuit Music Ministry’s Musica Chiesa. Enjoy!
*If you don’t have Mexican salsa: you can mix catsup and hot sauce, pwede na. At the Comedor, I liquefy in a blender dried red chillies, onions, a pinch of salt, and water.

I called it Mexican Oyster Guisada, with a note on the last letter: The Mexicans call this type of cooking, guisadA, while we Filipinos call it guisadO. Sharing the recipe. This is just good for one or two persons. A soda will go well with this. I got a Diet 7-Up. And ate with the music from the Jesuit Music Ministry’s Musica Chiesa. Enjoy!
*If you don’t have Mexican salsa: you can mix catsup and hot sauce, pwede na. At the Comedor, I liquefy in a blender dried red chillies, onions, a pinch of salt, and water.

With chopped tomatoes, add the spicy Mexican salsa.

Add the sage and brown pepper to taste.
